Monday, March 9, 2009

Feeling Springy

Yesterday was the most beautiful day here in Fort Worth. It was sunny and warm with a cool breeze. My kind of day! The flowers above are from my yard, spring is definitely on its way. I also took a walk around my neighborhood with my camera. Oddly enough, I had never done that before. Usually I have the dogs with me. It was nice to wander and take photos, and I saw things that I had never noticed before. The flowering trees below are from around the neighborhood.

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Janice said...

oh my gosh - gorgeous pictures! I can't wait for flowers here! We're getting close, but its so slow....

Liz Harrell said...

Wow. I just stumbled onto your blog this morning and have to say, those cherry blossom pics are amazing!

Ashley said...

Thanks ladies! It has been in the 80's here, but we are heading back down to the 40's. North Texas weather is so wacky.