Here are myself, my niece Karlie and mom all wearing tops that I made on Christmas day. Theirs were Christmas gifts. We look alike, don't we?!

For mom I used a gorgeous crossweave linen from Joann and the Fisherman's top patterns from Merchant and Mills Sewing Book. Karlie's tunic is made with the juvenile apparel knit from Joann and I'm so in love with it! I used Simplicity 1785, which I had sewn for her before.
And her model pose.

I also felt inspired to make some new jewelry designs. My friend Matt asked me to make his wife some small-ish earrings. Inspired by Claire's work, I finally got my hands on some brass to play with and am happy with what I cam up with. I think I need to make both of these for myself now!

Here are my top nine instagram pics from last year. Pretty much sums it up, lots of sewing, a little travel, including our trip to Tulum that I still need to share, and some adventures in the kitchen.

There hasn't been any New Year Resolution stuff going on over here just yet. I have plans but got sick and have no groceries, so no gym or healthy eating plan for us at the moment. I promised myself to get back to the gym asap. We are in the midst of refinancing our home and planning to do some work around here, so that will consume most of our Spring. I also promised myself to not buy any new fabrics, but instead work my way through my stash this year. I may break this rule for things I really need but don't have fabric for, like winter wear and possible jeans sewing. We shall see. Mostly I won't be too hard on myself or too rigid. I'm in a good and happy place and hope to stay here.
I hope you too are having a wonderful new year filled with whatever it is that makes you smile.
xoxo Ashley