Monday, June 3, 2013

Late Spring Walk

It has been hot, muggy and humid here the past few weeks. We had a front blow through and it turned out to be a gorgeous day yesterday. We went to the trail for a walk, as I know it will be too hot to get out there much before long. We usually time our trail walks to end around sunset, but I was a little off on the timing. That was okay though because we were able to get this cool shot of our shadows as we headed back to the car. Shadow Portrait Late Spring Walk

 Last week I was sewing obsessively, and I finished a knit top, a woven top and a linen dress. All in one week! Really, mostly over my three day weekend. I hope to keep up the sewing but I know how my attention easily gets focused on other things. I plan to take pictures and share my creations soon.

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