Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mornings in the Garden

My mornings always, always start with coffee. Lately I have been taking my coffee outside to check on my veggies and flowers. The weather has been cool in the mornings and hot in the afternoons, so I get out in the backyard as much as I can in the mornings. Spring 2013

Poppy colored toes make me happy. Spring 2013

My days off almost always consist of meal planning and grocery shopping. Last week I took my Bon Appetits outside as well. I started using little sticky tags to mark recipes that I want to try in my multitude of food magazines. Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Spring 2013 Garden bouquet Garden bouquet

Many of my early Spring flowers are blooming like Clematis, Nasturtuim, Poppies and Larkspur. I have been making loose little garden arrangements to bring some of the color of Spring indoors. Garden bouquet Garden bouquet The only downside to mornings in the garden has been later jogs and it is getting too hot for that. I will have to compromise on some days so that I can get out on my runs before the temperature creeps up.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, this looks so pretty. We are heading into winter over here now so it's mostly just cold, grey and wet. Your bright spring flower pics have brightened my day :)
