Friday, April 26, 2013

Karlie's Easter Dress

Wow, I feel like I have so much to catch up on, especially here. Our lives aren't slowing down any. After we went to Austin for Dad's birthday my parents came up to visit with Karlie that week. Then it was Frank's birthday celebration and a quick trip to Austin to pick up a car. There just isn't much free time these days, and there never is this time of year so I don't expect it to change any time soon. I have been wanting to share this dress that I made for Karlie for Easter and am just now getting around to it. It got lost in the mail, so she didn't actually get to wear it until my dad's birthday party. Since I was there to take pictures that was fine with me!

I used New Look 6202 for the dress, which is a super cute pattern with a circle skirt. You can see my pattern review here. I went up to a size three and it should fit her for a good long while.  The bolero is self-drafted and based on her Snow White costume bodice, so it is more fitted.  I adore the look of the eyelet with the coral fabric and might have to make something for myself with that combo!  I also adore the Anna Maria Horner moth and butterfly fabric that I used in the skirt.  I think the whole outfit came together really well.
 Karlie's easter dress Karlie's easter dress

Karl's birthday 2013 115

Here she is demonstrating the twirliness of her dress. Karl's birthday 2013 104 Karl's birthday 2013 101

I also made here this skirt from a thrifted shirred tube top. I simply cut off the top part that was shirred, added a lining and put elastic in the waist. Repurposed thirfted skirt

I love to sew for Karlie and will continue to do so, I only wish I could find more time to sew for my own wardrobe!

I have to mention this cake that I made for Dad's birthday. It got rave reviews and is sure to be an often requested recipe. It is from Smitten Kitchen and her recipes never steer me wrong. It is a Chocolate cake with Cream Cheese Peanut Butter Frosting. Mmmm, my mouth is watering just thinking about it. I think it might be the moistest cake I've ever made, much less tasted! I left off the ganache topping, but the writing and dots are made with chocolate and added a nice texture. Karl's birthday 2013 120


  1. You sew her the most adorable clothes. You have a lot of talent!

  2. She is so Cute and her dress is super Cute. Looks so pretty in this. You have a great talent keep Sharing these alternative dresses for Inspirations.
