Friday, March 15, 2013

Belated Belated

This is a super belated sharing of Gretchen's super belated Birthday gift. I started this project after her birthday, which is six days after mine in November. I don't think I got it in the mail to her until early February. I hand dyed some ombre yarn, which was a cool technique to learn. I knit it in endless stockinette and I'm a slow knitter anyways. It is just a big triangular scarf. I like the way it turned out. Gretchen's belated birthday gifts

I love the stippling effect that the dye created. Gretchen's belated birthday gifts

I intended this doo-dad to be a brooch but I thought it came out too big, so it is just a thing-a-ma-bob to look at. I embroidered on felt and stuffed it with polyfil. Gretchen's belated birthday gifts

I always enjoy making things for friends, sometimes I'm just a little late doing so.

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