Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ups and Downs

I came home from work so tired yesterday, but the weather was perfect and I knew I needed to go for a jog. After a couple of not so great jogs, yesterday was just what I needed. The temperature was just right and I was able to jog for an hour and did five miles. That is huge for me! I felt great at the end and there was a phenomenal sunset to reward me. It might sound silly, but it was heart achingly beautiful and just made my day. Frank has been sick, and I was called into work on my day off Monday. I have a long to do list that won't get accomplished until my next day off. Stress was building and the jog took it away for at least that hour.

Sunset jog Sunset jog Sunset jog Sunset jog

I still cannot get into the Christmas mood. I want to make gifts and decorations but don't have time. Frank being sick isn't helping. I feel like a grinch. Another jog will set me straight!

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