Friday, August 10, 2012

Doing my best

I'm doing my best to enjoy the summer, despite miserable temperatures. Yesterday the high was 108, but today we got a "cold" front and it was only supposed to be up to 97.

The sunset was gorgeous last night and I was wishing we were out on the trail with a better view. I can't wait for Fall and cooler weather. A friend of mine started an outdoor exercise program a few weeks ago.  As impressed as I am with her dedication and as much as I wish I could make myself do the same, I just can't get out there in the heat.
 Summer Sunset Summer Sunset

Lucy and Berta in the backyard jungle. Jungle pets
 I'm trying my best to get all my to do's done. I sewed on the Snow White dress today and it is going to be oh so cute! I got dinner on the table for the first time this week. I have finished and shipped out all pending jewelry orders and have almost finished a new piece of jewelry that I have been working on for a good while. That one last solder join isn't cooperating.

I discovered and am currently obsessed with the HBO show Girls.  Have you seen it?  It is witty, real and funny.  I just love it!  It reminds me of college and makes me long for the days of living with and hanging with my girlfriends all the time.  I called my friend Christi, who told me about the show, but forgot to bring it up to her.  She is one of my college friends that I miss spending time with.

I hope you have a great weekend!  I will be at Central Market in the midst of Hatch Fest.  Come see me if you dare.  It will be busy there.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the grandpets on one stone. I guess they are at least tolerant if not friends. Stay cool. Looking forward to seeing you, costume & yummy treats. Apple cupcakes are really cute. Hugs, Mom
