Thursday, August 11, 2011

Project Runway Challenge Week Two

It's week two of the Etsy Metal Project Runway Challenge.  I got done and took real photographs on time this week! Here is the challenge from the Etsy Metal blog:
Episode 2: "My Pet Project"
Air: 8.4.11
My Lifetime, Thursdays, 9pm PST.

The Project Runway Challenge:
In this episode, the challenge was to create an outfit using pet store supplies. They were allowed to use muslin as well, but were encouraged not to.

For our EtsyMetal Translation:
Yup, you guessed it. The EM challenge is to make a piece of jewelry using pet store supplies! Try to limit your time in the pet store to 30 minutes. You may use some metal in the piece but try to use as little as possible. Make it work!

plastic aquarium grass

I was inspired by the plastic aquarium plants and actually wanted to bring a lot more of them home!  I had a really hard time making a decision but ended up with this green grassy plant.  I was able to take a piece off in the store without hurting the product and I could immediately see what I would make with them.  I had second thoughts at home and wished I had brought home the others that I had my eye on instead, but I persevered and love the outcome!
I think these earrings are elegant, despite being made of plastic grass, and I think that is the whole point of using uncommon or found objects in a new way.  I think you will be seeing more plastic plants in my work.

Don't forget you can play along, even if you are not an Etsy Metal member.  Just check the Etsy Metal blog each Friday for the challenge instructions and to see all the entries.


  1. OMG!!! these are so great! Super creative with the plastic grass, they are quite elegant actually...I love them, I would totally wear these!

  2. They are just so graceful, I love the shape and the color!

  3. I can see these on the runway. They turned out very cool. Now you have to go get the stuff you left in the store and make more. Wish we could get you a PR person.

  4. beautiful!! great job with this challenge.
