Thursday, July 21, 2011

Garden Bounty

Zinnias always make me so happy, it doesn't feel like summer without them.  I am fascinated by all the forms of Zinnias.  These were all volunteers this year, and the ones I planted from seed didn't take.  I was a bit disappointed that I only have pink this year, but love them none the less.


There really hasn't been much harvesting from my garden this summer.  I pick and freeze the okra as they are ready, because there aren't enough for a meal all at once.  The cherry tomatoes are slim pickings and I have to compete with birds who pick at them before they ripen.  The zinnias are the stars for now.  I'm hoping all the plants will survive the summer and produce in the fall.  We shall see.

I got a new job!  I start next week at our local gourmet grocery store, Central Market.  I'm starting out as a cashier, so if you shop there you may see me when you check out.  
I think I'm going to love this job.  I probably won't be blogging as regularly, but will have lots of new recipes and food knowledge to share, so I'll try to keep the blog updated.  Of course I'm not abandoning jewelry altogether, this is a part time job so I will be juggling both.

We have two birthday celebrations this weekend so I'm doing a double batch of carrot cake again. Yum!


  1. happy birthdays a little early! your garden runneth over ;)

  2. Good luck at your new job! I've always thought CM would be a fun place to work.
