Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Dad's First Tattoo

I don't know why I haven't shared this sooner. This image has been on my desktop since before Christmas. I took it quickly at Thanksgiving as Karlie wasn't wanting to be held or pose for pictures. This is my dad, who my niece Karlie has started calling Baba, showing off his tattoo in honor of his first grandchild. The artwork and tattoo are by Megan Emery of Bijou Studio in Austin. She is really fabulous. Isn't this the sweetest thing ever?! I photoshopped the image and printed it out as a Christmas gift for my parents and for my brother and sis in law.


  1. Holy Moly! I always thought if any one of our parents got a tattoo, it would be your dad first!
    I love it!
