Monday, February 7, 2011

Experiments with Felting

I have been in a thrift shopping mood lately and found this colorful 100% wool sweater at Goodwill today. I wanted to felt it to possibly make us some Christmas stockings, or who knows what else. Felting was another snow time activity last week, so I have that on my mind.
Scored a sweater at goodwill
I threw this in my washer on hot/cold with a pair of jeans and let it felt. I should have stopped after the first round but I thought it hadn't felted enough. Well, it really did work in that second wash! I'm a little disappointed because you could see the patterns more before it got this thoroughly felted, but I still think its pretty.
After felting

This is the felt project that I worked on at my parents' house last week. I have been wanting to make a felt ball garland for our Christmas tree for the last couple of years. Unfortunately I always think about it at Christmas time and then its too late to make or source the felt balls. Well mom and I came across this on etsy and learned how to make felt beads or balls from recycled wool sweaters. It works best for smaller balls and on certain types of wool. I think its pretty genius and would definitely say it is worth purchasing if you are interested in learning to do this. The ones in the bag were the best, the ones in the background were irregular bits and the pile in the foreground were too big and didn't felt thoroughly.
Felt balls made from thrifted sweaters


  1. What a great idea. I love the felted stocking idea too. And I'm going to need another stocking next year! I might just have to make a trip to the thrift store!

  2. looks like fun! I love the little ruffle the sweater developed during felting! :)

  3. What did you end up making with this sweater? I found the same one (twice actually!) at my local Savers and am making "mommy and me" matching sweaters for me and my daughter : ) Wish I could find another to make a christmas stocking.....

  4. Krystal, I haven't done anything with it but thanks for the reminder. I'm about to make a felt garland so maybe I can incorporate this piece somehow. I would love to see what you come up with!
