Friday, January 14, 2011

Some Sneak Peeks

I have been super crafty lately, keeping my hands busy at all times.
I practiced my limited knitting skills and made a washcloth.
Next up, practicing the purl stitch on another washcloth (you can never have to many of those).

A sneak peek of Karlie's Kitty. I renamed her, in Wee Wonderfuls she is Katy Kitty. By the way, mom gave me that book for Christmas after I mentioned it to her. She knew I wanted to make some dolls for Karlie out of it, isn't that sweet. I love this book, if you like to sew for kids you should definitely check it out! I'll share a picture of her in full after she is in Karlie's possession, not that my 16 month old niece reads this blog, but you know.

Another sneak peak. I started the Granny Stripe blanket today and it is zooming by. I love it! This is another gift, so I probably won't show the whole thing until it is gifted. I'm using the Crayon yarn from Knitpicks that I used for Leo's blanket and I still love, love, love it.
I know, I need to work on jewelry, but I am addicted to crocheting! It is so fitting for this cold weather, snuggle under a quilt, hot coffee and Lucy at my side and hook away.

I have been applying for spring shows, so I'll let you know how that goes.

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