Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Texas Metal Arts wrap up

Texas Metal Arts 2010

I am finally recovered from the crazy hot and humid weekend at Texas Metal Arts! My poor husband and mom deserve multiple awards for hanging in there and supporting me all weekend. My neighbor at the show who has been doing art shows for 40 plus years said she had never felt so uncomfortable at any art show. Now that is saying a lot! Despite the heat, there was a crowd and people came out and shopped both Saturday and Sunday. Thank you to all the great customers who sweated along with us and supported the artists at Texas Metal Arts!

Some of our closest friends also came down for the weekend and camped out on my parents property. It is so nice to have a base camp in my favorite part of Texas! We didn't get to swim this time and that was just not right. Last year we had the time but the weather didn't cooperate, and this year we just didn't have the time.

I didn't get great photos of my booth and displays this time but you can get an idea of how it looked above. I had a corner booth, but was in full sun. Since the ez-up only has an awning on one side we moved the tables in as far as possible so that you could view the work while standing under the tent. Just stepping out of the sun and under the shade of the tent made a huge difference in comfort. I stacked one case at the end, which I had not done before, but didn't realize I was short one piece of plexi-glass for the top. Now I know I need a couple more pieces if I have a non-corner booth and have to stack two cases. Overall I was really happy with this set up, although there are always things that I want to tweak and improve.

I was super impressed with the dedicated supporters who came out in the heat and humidity to shop at this show. I am so thankful for all who did!

1 comment:

  1. Your booth looks great! Glad you had a successful weekend :)
