Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The finished product and more progress shots

This pair of earrings along with two others is on its' way to Fancy in Seattle for their December Earring show. They each have two sets of coordinated buttons. The earrings spin so you lots of different looks from one pair. I am really happy with this design.

I haven't been feeling so hot lately, battling allergies or some such annoyance. While my motivation to sit at my work bench has been low, I have really been enjoying embroidering fabric for my buttons! If you couldn't already tell I love color and playing with color combinations. Embroidery is something I have always enjoyed, both the process and end product. However I hadn't done any embroidery projects in a while. I am so glad I have started again because the outcome is really exciting and motivating for me! Luckily for me my Granny had tons of embroidery floss that she passed on to my mom. Mom has warned me not to buy any because there is plenty at her house. It is hard to resist buying more though, so I know how Granny felt!
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  1. Wow! you should feel very happy with those. I love that design as well. Will there be any of that design in your Etsy shop this year?

  2. Thanks Andrea! They probably won't make it in the etsy shop before the end of the year. I am about to start on a bunch of smaller button pieces for shows though. I do plan to do more like this in the future though!

  3. wow ashley!!
    i hadn't realized you were doing your own embroidery.
    i love the new earrings.

  4. Thanks Stacey! I really appreciate that.
