Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Feeling like fall

The weather around here is fluctuating between rainy and perfect. Today it is sunny, in the 60's and beautiful. I have been cooking a lot and trying out many new recipes. Most have been eaten too fast to photograph! I did take pictures of my Kabocha squash, before and after roasting. I got three cups of mashed roasted squash out of that. I'm either going to make Black Bean Kabocha Soup, or Roasted Kabocha Soup, both from La Fuji Mama. Either one will be delicious, I'm sure. The squash tasted nutty and sweet and I will surely be cooking with Kabocha squash again.

Another sign of cooler weather is Lucy cuddling again. She doesn't do much of that in the summer, but come fall she is ready and willing to cuddle up. I finished this scarf that I was working on last night. I'll take pictures soon.

If you can't find Lucy, check under the blankets!

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