Monday, June 1, 2009

My other life as a landscaper

I spent several beautiful mornings last week cleaning up and planting annuals in my friend Robin's yard. Frank and I designed and planted these beds over the last several years and they have grown up really nicely. I love plant shopping whether it is for myself or someone else's yard. The weather was perfect for working outside, and the plantings turned out great. I will get more pictures when the annuals are full and blooming this summer. I did the shady side of the yard too but didn't get photos of that.

The fountain is one of my favorite features.

This back courtyard is my favorite space.

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  1. Great job!

    BTW, I have new cuttings of the passion flower I took this week. Should be ready to transplant in a couple of weeks. How many do you want?

  2. I love that fountain! Everything looks great, and it makes me wish I had a yard.

  3. You are so very skilled Ashley. Robin's courtyard looks like the perfect place to chill. Wish I had an ounce of your talent.

  4. Thanks everyone! I'm glad to have a chance to share this as it is something I am really proud of.

  5. Wow - your yard is gorgeous! Your fountain is just amazing. I just discovered your blog via Down and Out Chic, and I'm so glad!

  6. Thanks! I'm so glad you discovered my blog. I wish this was my yard. It is a friend's yard which we designed and put in. I'm working on mine but it won't ever look this great, probably!
