Friday, May 1, 2009

Finally Photographed!

I shared my progress on this piece along the way, so I thought you would like to see it all finished and photographed properly! I spent a good while taking shots of this necklace. It is larger than anything I have photographed before, so it was a challenge. Also, I was over thinking it, I'm sure! I think this one turned out well, and hopefully this shot will help me get into some upcoming shows.

Did I mention that I finished this piece the night before Fiesta?! I had set all of the stones before I left home, but saved all the cleaning til the last minute. I got it done and it looked great on the display that my dad made for me.

Oh yeah, I named it Threads Necklace. I came up with that because it has common threads throughout tying it all together. Also, the woven wire chain reminds me of thread, and it is sort of pieced together like a quilt. So what do you think of that name? Is it too simple? I always hate the naming part.
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  1. Wow - amazing! I love this! I don't think the name is too simple necessarily, but jazzing it up a bit might be nice although I can't for the life of me think what you'd add to it! lol

    This is really really a nice piece Ashley - hope you don't mind if I print it and hang it at my workspace. Its inspiring! I just keep staring at it and all the different elements and more than that, all the different connections. Really really nice work. :)


  2. How about 'rockin' threads' lol -- I would love to see something in the name that recognizes the gems/rocks or colors - like rainbow threads...but I don't think either of those names are sophisticated enough for this piece....just rambling. ;-)

  3. Thanks for the ideas Janice! I don't mind if you print the image out.

  4. What about Common Threads? I wish I were better at this!
